Personality & Relationship Tests

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” (Aristotle)

Is it beneficial for people to take personality assessments?

Often it is if the assessment helps us understand ourselves or others in a relationship more fully.

So why do so many people cringe at the word ‘testing’? Why does our heart rate increase, that sinking feeling in the pit of our stomach occurs, or we even have flashbacks to our early school days?

Many view testing as negative, a critique or evaluation that shows others how smart or dumb we are. We felt the pressure of tests, anxiety, or maybe even panic.

But we think little of it if we go in for an eye exam (test) to determine if we should change our glasses or contacts. We may dread it when we have to take a variety of health tests, but because they provide valuable information and feedback to our physicians, we know how to best progress with medical treatment when needed or if we are doing great.

What if we discovered that SOME standardized personality testing also provided insights for us that were extremely valuable? What if the results helped us to grow emotionally, professionally, or in our relationships? What is it helped us ‘see’ ourselves better? Could it provide more insights into our personality type, strengths, and areas for improvement so we could positively change our lives or move toward better decisions?

What if some couples or pre-marital testing showed both partners each other’s strong and weak personality areas, and if the relationship could expect some major stressors either partner might want to address before making a long-term commitment? What if it showed the places where the couple could thrive together?

What if some testing opened a person’s eyes (beyond the ‘honeymoon stage’ before it ever takes place) or saved years of counseling?

Is that really possible? Yes, it can be.

There are personality tests with decades of testing, research, and results. The data collected has become ‘standardized’ due to the enormous amount of data information, and many of these tests are accurate to an extremely high degree.

Clifton Fuller is an approved or certified facilitator for several personality assessment instruments, including the Prepare-Enrich and TJTA.

These standardized assessments provide valuable insights for individuals and couples regarding personalities, abilities, and areas to address.

For clients to complete these assessments, their therapist must be a certified facilitator. Clients may request testing from their counselor, and if an approved facilitator, the counselor will order the testing with a link sent to the client to access and begin the testing. Testing may also be recommended by a counselor directly to their client(s), with the counselor explaining why the testing would serve a beneficial purpose based on the counselor’s knowledge of that client’s specific needs.

After an assessment is completed, results are sent to the counselor, who will request the client to schedule an appointment. At that appointment, the counselor can share test results, answer any client questions, and provide in-depth insights as to what the testing indicates.

Testing can help clients see and understand their personalities more clearly. Testing may also provide insights for your counselor, reducing potential time spent in counseling.

Clients should always discuss options with counselors before testing or assessment and visit specific websites offering more information about each standardized test.

“As a counselor, social worker, and marriage and family therapist, my licenses allow me to help Texas residents with issues interfering in life and relationships. My clients experience changes over time in therapy, not just in addressing life changes and decisions but in understanding that they can be confident in who they are, what they can do, and how to make a plan for success.

Register & schedule for mental health counseling via our home page.)

As a certified Life Coach, I also work with clients (worldwide) to attain personal or work-related goals and live more peaceful and satisfying lives. Please contact my offices at 210-970-1511 for information about scheduling Life Coaching appointments.” - Clifton Fuller.

Read more about the difference between Counseling and Life Coaching Here.

Note: Clifton is the author of “The Marriage Vampire” (dealing with narcissistic personalities), now available on Amazon.

Clifton Fuller LCSW, LPC, LMFT

Clifton Fuller

Clifton Fuller

Clifton Fuller is a Texas licensed LCSW-S, LPC-S, LMFT-S, providing counseling services for residents of Texas.  With experience in in-patient hospital settings, therapist and administrative positions, as well as private practice, he is able to address many individual, family, couples, churches, organizations and business professionals needs.  He authored ‘The Marriage Vampire: Dealing with a Narcissistic Personality” available on Amazon and Kindle.  Visit his website for free blogs on mental health issues, as well as easy client registrations and scheduling 24/7.

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